Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 18: REM baby yeah!

"The book" says that some research says that babies can recognize voices and songs that they heard repeatedly when they were in the womb when they are born.... I find it fun to watch the H face crunch up when I mention this after having been to a football game (we support rivaling teams in North London and both have seasons tickets this year, needless to say the baby gets more exposure to my team right now :-)

The H suggested that we should agree on some specific music to play repeatedly to the baby now, at times when we think he/she is at most calmest/happiest in there, and maybe we can then use that music to subliminally remind him/her of that feeling once out of the safe womb... and it will have to be R.E.M... my all time favorites, and the H likes them as well. Went to a fantastic R.E.M concert last night at the Royal Albert Hall and it was very clear. The voice of Michael Stipe always makes me feel good inside, so should impact baby too.

A few suitable titles as well:

"Catapult" and "Everybody Hurts" - for giving birth...
"Nightswimming","Try not to breathe" "Daysleeper" - for when still in the womb...
"Begin the begin", "Get up", "Stand" "Walk, unafraid" - some first advice when out...

Let's just hope that "The wrong child" will not ever be relevant though....

Below are the beginning of the lyrics to "Walk unafraid" which I think is a great song. Find your own way baby!

As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down
These heavy notions creep around
It makes me think
Long ago I was brought into this life,
a little lamb A little lamb
Courageous, stumbling
Fearless was my middle name
But somewhere there
I Lost my way
Everyone walks the same
Expecting me to step
The narrow path they've laid
They claim to(chorus)

Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold me love me or leave me High


Anonymous said...

bjuutiful. i think for birth I would rather go for "THUNDER" or "TNT" or something more heavy and powerful... p'raps heavy metal isn't your first choice tho...


Roller Coaster said...

He he, they may sneak into the playlist even though heavy metal is something of my dark past...

"The drugs don't work" by The Verve, and "Endlich, ein grund zu panik" by the Superhelden might sneak in there too, or anything else that might make us laugh...

Anonymous said...

those two last sounds perfect. hahaha.
