Thursday, March 6, 2008

Can't wait to get fat(ter)!?

This is definately the first time in my life (always had a couple of kilos too many around the waist) that I can say this, but I can't wait until I get fat(ter) and it really shows that I am pregnant. Right now I am just uncomfortable in most clothes and feel and look a bit chubbier than normal.

Anyways, this was meant to be a big big THANK YOU to all my wonderful friends who have responded to my post "Does anyone really enjoy being pregnant" either on here, or offline. All of you have said pretty much the same, that you also found it difficult and boring but that it got easier around week 20 when you are showing and can also feel the kicks and stuff, and also to enjoy the healthy lifestyle and don't beat myself up about not having as much energy as before. Mostly it was nice to hear that I don't seem to be missing a "pregnancy glow gene" - this thing about women loving being pregnant is probably made up by men, who wants to feel ok about them not having to do much until the baby is born...

THANK YOU all you wonderful people taking the time and energy to give me your feedback and advice, truly, really appreciate this!!!

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