Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A new vocabulary of pains and aches...

Have been to my first "parental information evening" tonight, called "Take care of yourself". Partners not allowed to this one. What is really was, was a scary long list of various pains and aches that can happen to pregnant women. I have learnt a whole new vocabulary tonight, like Sacro Llilac joint pains, pelvic girdle pain, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Coccyx pain etc etc. Good thing I am not a hypocondriac!

It was a sweet midwife in her fifties that ran the session. Am sure her heart was in the right place, but she seemed a bit out of touch with her audience - addresing us like we were housewifes in the fifties or something, able to take long breaks in the middle of the day watching day time TV and eating pralines..... Can't speak for the whole room but I chatted with three other ladies; one a camera woman at the BBC, another Marketing executive at Universal and the third an attorney. Ah well. No harm done.

Anyways, sure it is useful to know what to look out for, but part of me thinks it's better not to know all these things. Not sure what is best really, know too much about what is going on and could potentially happen, or know too little (like in my mum's days when they didn't have much knowledge, ultrasound or anything). As always, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

I will stick to "the book" and my friends advice of course.


Anonymous said...

coccyx, a magnificent word. I fell on mine last year and got a pain caused by too many beers in camden town rather than something as beautiful and sacred as a pregnancy. i didn't learn the word coccyx until someone politely informed me that TAILBONE was not really the correct word for this. Tailbone is cuter though. Reminds of that we are little animals after all (we we needed anything to remind us, but anyway). Have nothing to add to the PAIN discussion, other than IGNORE it.

Cannot believe that they had a "non-partner" session either. Probably better that the partner goes to this session since it's likely that he (or she...) will have to take care of the effects of the pain anyways.

ciao bao,

Roller Coaster said...

I think we should stick with TAILBONE - it is much cuter! :-)

Yep, a bit weird the whole "sisterhood" thing to not have partners in the room. Just about 60 pregnant ladies who have never met eachother before.

Surprised there weren't riots and fights with all those hormones bouncing off the walls actually....


Anonymous said...

Blimey where were you?! 60 pregnant women all in one room, that sounds more painful than the aches caused by pregnancy, which by the way you would be extremely unfortunate to get one of them. Yeah you ache but when don't you at our age ;-)

I hope you have put both of your names down for NCT classes, they are great for meeting people in your area, but looking back not so great for the advice. So keep with the book on that one, although they do answer your questions even if you think they are silly, like mine were!

Even though I'm over here, I still see some of them (they have been to visit, I'm going to a hen weekend soon) so whilst you don't necessarily need to make new friends, you will need people around on the days when you are at home alone and going out of your mind crazy, to have an adult conversation with. They kept me sane, we went out for lunch at least once a week, which meant I had to get washed and dressed and D washed and dressed before bed time, now and again!

I am so excited for you and I have to admit a little jealous, I was thinking about you last night and how it is such a wonderful time being pregnant, I really enjoyed it looking back. Make sure you get plenty of rest in the daytime, eat cookies, keep thoughs legs rest....... what?! yeah right! Just make sure at least once in a while get a really good massage, I went to Aveda, there is a lady there that specialises in maternity ones, so at least you can relax a little bit.

Roller Coaster said...

He he - simple solution my friend - get working on baby nr 2!! :-) Come on!! We can take our tummys to football together this time around! (The H is not so pleased that the shrimp can now hear sounds from the outside when I go to the football :-)

NCT - I was sceptical but starting to think maybe it would be a good idea, as you say - only to meet new local people to hang with...

Massage... lovely. Will book!!