Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We ARE in f-ing Europe....

I have lived in the UK for 8.5 years now, and I will never stop getting really annoyed when people from the UK say that they are "going over to Europe". YOU ARE ALREADY IN EUROPE YOU IGNORANT LIMEY!

Heard an ad on the radio today on a London station, from a major airline:

- wow, where did Pete get that amazing tan?
- haven't you heard? Airline XX are flying TO EUROPE for as little as £XX?

Firstly, how can you fly to somewhere where you are already, and secondly, where in Europe do you get an amazing tan in February?? Traceys tanning salon in Essex??



Anonymous said...

The English channel is there for a reason my dear.

Your Limey Husband
x x x

Roller Coaster said...

Ha ha ha - so you ARE reading the blog dearest H :-)

Sorry, you know I love you limeys dearly, but sometimes you drive me crazy too....


ME said...

lovely. I have a column in my magazine solely focused on the fact that things happen "over in europe". will send you...
