Monday, February 18, 2008

Week 13: Why are we doing this again?

Hurrah! It is the end of the first trimester - now I should (according to "the book") get renewed energy and not be so tired all the time (the book also says that this may simply be because I'd have gotten used to the tiredness etc by now...) Still waiting to feel less tired, but sure it will be here soon.

Had a wonderful weekend away with the H at a hotel with SPA on the seaside of England. It is easy to forget how close London is to the sea sometimes, so we decided it was time to remind ourselves. It was fantastic and relaxing, but can't help but really miss the old days when instead of going to bed ridiculously early saturday night (massage gave me a headache... and so did the football match from hell we watched at the hotel, my team was totally and utterly useless) we would go out on one of our silly evenings with lots of nice food, wine and silliness...

Also got slightly depressed at lunch in a country pub which was filled with kids and babies and the sound volume was extremely high, with both kids and babies screaming but even worse - their parents screaming in high-pitched voices, and chasing kids around the restaurant......

Why are we doing this again?


Anonymous said...

lovely. good question I guess. well you can always leave the screaming poo smelling thingie to aunt boll for support and go out on extreme silliness at any time.


ps. tell me when this whole thingie is official too so I can start talking about it!!!!!

Roller Coaster said...

Ha ha ha, I now have auntie bolls commitment in writing :-)

Soon my friend soon... hoping to have the risk analysis this week, and as long as that is good we can SHARE WITH THE WORLD!

BTW: I looked at the ultrasound picture and I remembered why we are doing this....