Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Weeks 9: Unpasteurized cheese, predator fish and alcohol

Bored, bored and even more bored this week. Am avoiding social events, as don't want to lie to friends and other people about why I am not drinking.... which of course results in total boredom. Can't wait until we feel safe to tell the world. Surely things will be easier then.

Had an offsite work confererence in the countryside of Sweden this week. Thank the flying spagettimonster that I only work with men... A woman would surely have seen through me, and known I was pregnant by the first coffee break... There were unpasteurized cheese, predator fish, and lots of fantastic wines on offer that I had to navigate around (quite clumsily...)

Three signs of pregnancy in one day.... but I got away with it. I think....

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