Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 37: Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeathe!!!!!

My bump "dropped" end of last week and I can breeeeeeeeeeeeeathe again!!! I can also eat normal portions of food again!!! It is easier to live all of a sudden. Baby not engaged yet though, so still some time to enjoy being a "lady of leisure" (in theory anyways). 2nd day off today, and so far I am loving it. Cleaned out our office on friday and thinking about giving the garden a good go (with gloves of course so to not expose myself to cats droppings etc other dangerous stuff for pregnant people) today. Nesting....

Anyways, had forgotten how nice it is to be able to breathe properly! :-) Must be a downside... oh yeah... off to the loo again I go...........


Anonymous said...

Hello you big toilet paper consumer!
Everybody is pregnant around me. That's why I have gained 3 kg (me!!!) this summer. Unconsious social skills? Or belly jealousy?

Roller Coaster said...

Ha ha, you are "belly jealous" I am sure... Sure it suits you though!!
