Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mamma Mia!

Confession time. First confession: I am officially naff. I wanted to kill some time today in the rain and went to the cinema. Only film on matinee that was even remotely of interest to me, was Mamma Mia, so I went along with it. It is just as cheesy as the musical and the trailers promise but quite funny to watch Colin, Stellan and Pierce strut their stuff to Abba music...

The 2nd confession is that when there was a particularly cheesy scene when everyone on this happy island are dancing to Dancing Queen, and a cameo snapshot of Benny from Abba playing the piano trying to look greek... and the sailing ship with the Swedish flag that got the Stellan character to the island are all in one picture.... I start crying. And laughing at the same time. Even though the whole thing is set in Greece, and only one of the actors are Swedish, I got a very nostalgic, sentimental and emotional longing for everything Swedish, combined with a sense of pride that these very famous actors were being silly to the music of my motherland, the music I grew up with and kept miming to as a 4-7 year old.... using a hair brush for a microphone.... Then I couldn't stop. There were floods of tears running down my cheeks for the rest of the film, mixed with giggling at myself... I wasn't really feeling miserable... just emotional... also about raising a child in a foreign country with a lot of weird traditions and stuff I just don't "get"... Oh Dear, and I don't even like Abba music that much..... (anymore that is, loved it as a small child with the hairbrush in hand....)

Mamma Mia.... here I go again... my my


Lottski said...

I've been there!
At the movie, highly pregnant, crying my heart out (and it was to Michael Moore, so not really any excuses).

And I went to see Abba and was overwhelmed by the same longing. Officially naff #2! Oh when they sang "School bag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning..." (Slipping through my fingers) - sniffle sniffle ... Life is a schlager, or at least an ABBA song (same same but different).

Cool as you are, one of my favourite memories from Gartner was doing Money Money Money with you in Cannes! What fun we had!!!

I will come and go out with you in London when baba is weaned. Deal?

Anonymous said...

you are brave my lovely. brave brave brave are all those people living in strange countries!

a little bit of tears every now and then is only good.


Roller Coaster said...

Lotta, he he - fond memory indeed! There is something specially nostalgic about ABBA music for our generation that's for sure! I remember the evening of "euro vision impromptu" in Cannes very well too... especially the English contribution (the very drunken version of "I love you baby... belted out at a very nice restaurant on the Croisette :-)

You come and go out with me in London whenever!!! I miss you!

Doula - yeah, but as you also say "London is abroad for cowards" :-) I know what you mean though, and it's true so true. I was never so proud to be Swedish when I lived in Sweden as I am as an expat, that is also normal behavior... Go see the film. I dare you to keep your eyes dry when you see the Swedish flag on the lovely sail boat... XX

Anonymous said...

You'd think it would stop when you've had the baby. No, I cried again today at the opening of the olympics? WTF.

Still thinking of you both, but now I am thinking of the three of you!
