Sunday, April 6, 2008

20 Weeks: Half way there!

Today we are at the 20 week mark, i.e half way there. Time for some reflection:

- I feel much better than at the beginning that is for sure, but still very tired. Think I have learnt to adapt to the changes much better now and also accepted that I have to say no to activities as too little energy etc. It is also much easier to focus on the positives - not sure if this is that I have had some time to get used to the transition or if the hormones are less destructive now - doesn't really matter, main thing is that I am able to focus on the positives :-) I also bizarrly feel less fat and hideous now, even though I am bigger than ever before. It is now a clear pregnant tummy and all focused in one place. Guess that helps.

- I still haven't felt any movements and can't wait until I do. Everybody says that is when it becomes more real and very exciting. Come on baby - kick me! :-) (have a feeling I may regret those words later on when I can't sleep due to kicks and somersaults...)

- I do however feel very protective towards the little life inside me. This was proven the other day when three kids in hoods rammed my bike when cycling home from work. Three 12-14 year old boys first overtook me from behind and touched my back wheel a little, thinking this was by mistake I just politely told them to take it easy. Laughing they then went for an older lady in front of me and made her stop cycling as they ran into her. Having made sure she was ok, I cycled on. A bit further on, I passed them chatting and giving passers by evil looks. A bit later they again caught up with me. One of them ran into my back wheel and the other the front wheel. Nothing happened really, didn't even stumble but I got so incredibly angry and started chasing after them screaming stuff I don't wish to repeat here - got my camera phone ready, and told them to stop so I could get a good picture of them - that got them cycling really fast I tell you...... I realized afterwards when the adrenalin had stopped pumping through my head that all I was thinking of was if I had fallen and hurt baby, and all the anger came from that protectiveness. Pretty cool feeling actually!

So, half way there and all good really. However if anyone says anything along the lines of "almost there now" or "not long now" I will punch them where it hurts!! Hear that H!!?

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