Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 29: Holiday whilst pregnant

Just back from a ten day holiday on Sicily. Our first holiday since we got pregnant, and quite a bit different from our "normal" holidays if still absolutely lovely. We are normally quite active on our holidays but this time we focused on sleeping, reading books and playing cards... think first holiday since I was maybe 15 that I haven't had a single day ruined by hangover... quite a nice side effect really :-)

I have to give Ryan Air a bit of bad press though for being Ryan Air.... First of all they request a "fit to fly" letter from the GP from 28 weeks of pregnance and onwards, and not as all other "normal" airlines who don't need this until week 36 --> Also, they don't give families with young children priority to board, if they haven't paid the £5 extra in advance.... I felt so sorry for all the families with young children that couldn't even find seats together after having thought (logically as every other airline would give them priority) that they placed themselves in the wrong queu and then had to go to the back of the "cattle queu".....

Ryan "how else can we inconvenience you" Air....

They are cheap though, and I don't expect any extras when flying with them - BUT common sense like helping out families with young children etc doesn't really cost anything does it?


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a nice time despire the booze ban. Assume Mr Lena Davies didn't drink either? ha ha!

Klara said...

Ah I went to Bali at 5 months and got high on hormones and fruitjuice and just the very romantic signs of budding new life as I lay bopping in the pool with my tummy sticking out.

I thought back to those sunshine moments later, during the wakeful nights - you kind of need them ;-)

But hey, who would I be to paint the devil on the wall! Adventure does not stop, it just takes on a new dimension. And I am happily back on the booze again (as much as I ever was)...

And for the next stage of your pregnancy, I would recommend Hypnobirthing classes. Self-hypnosis is another way to get that dizzy feeling, and by the way preferable to needless. Let me know if you'd like to know more, otherwise I'll stop being one of those horrible "been there, done that" mothers. Puss'n kram

Anonymous said...

Ryan No Air. That is what I call them after 40 minutes of waiting in a hot hangar without air and with two cranky kids AND a cranky husband.

Roller Coaster said...

The G: He he, the H did get tiddly a couple of nights when we were playing cards, but has been and is incredibly supportive with this whole thing, and is going through a bit of a detox himself... also a bit of a nice side effect really!

Lotta: du ar for go :-) Of COURSE I want advice from all my wise friends who've "been there, and done that" - if I'll follow them is another matter, but I like to understand options and various ways before making my decisions, so yes, please do tell me about your experiences, I want all the advice you can give me!!

Asa - ha ha, Ryan "no" Air it is :-)