You may have heard the analogy about life being a three legged stool? One leg for family and friends, one for work attainment/career and one for your personal wellbeing/interests, hobbies etc. The idea is that you need to have balance in life, all three legs need to be equally long, otherwise you will fall down...
My stool has five legs.
1) Toddler E
2) Husband
3) Work/Career
4) Friends and other family
5) Me (exercise and other me-time)
Legs nr 1 and 3 are pretty stable and takes all my energy right now. Nr 4 is actually not that bad - it's easier to go out on my own with friends (and for the H on his own...) than for the H and I to do things together... hence nr 2 is not very stable at the moment, and leg nr 5 is non-existing...
The H pointed out the other day that he felt he didn't know me anymore as we never talked... ouch. That hurt. My reaction? Can we talk about this in January?
I just don't have any spare energy left.
Loving my job though! And things WILL slow down in Q1...
Please let me know when you have found a way to balance the stool! Or perhaps we should be satisfied as long as we don't fall off.
cushions work! :-)
cute post i like it ^__^
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