Monday, August 3, 2009

BOB the Builder - CAN HE FIX IT?

So. Back from a four week !! break in Sweden (will write separate blog about this soon!) We had commissioned builders to do some work during this time, giving them three week to finish knowing they'd take longer than promised. Anyone think they were done after four weeks? F*** no. Not only was the house in total total chaos, with thick layers of builders dust everywhere... but only half of the jobs were done, and some of them to quite dismal quality even.... so, we had to clean the house properly and then escape to an hotel, as the builders were coming back to fix some of their c*** ups.

I was humming the Muppet show theme tune as they were working along..... "it's time to play the music..." Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

It also makes me think of my good friends little two year old belting out: "BOB the builder, CAN HE FIX IT? BOB the builder, YES HE CAN!

In our case this would be more like: "TOM the builder, can he fix it? Tom the builder, NO F******* WAY! N

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