Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 36: One week of work to go, then what???

So now there is only one more week to go of work and then I start my maternity leave. What then? In Sweden this period is called to be "Mamma ledig" which means "Mommy time off" or something - but... Mom to whom? Time off to take care of what? This bump is meant to become a baby? What? How???? I thought it'd feel more real the later on in the pregnancy I got, but it seems to be the opposite. The closer due date I get the more surreal the whole birth thing gets.

Also feels incredibly weird to not be working for 9 months..... first time since I left University in June 94 that I haven't had a job lined up and even before then I was working all my summer holidays etc since I was 14.... Scary stuff - I define my personality quite a bit from what I do at work, and it feels a little bit like that part is taken away from me.....

Sure that when baby arrives the days will automatically fill up and I will not have any time or room for these thoughts. It's just now, lying about as too weak/dizzy to do anything else in this bl**** heat (please can someone turn the outdoor radiators off... can't stand this lethargy).


Lottski said...

Just your luck to be heavily pregnant in the tropics!

I remember those last week, feeling little twitches, thinking "is this it?"... or this?...

Then it did start and then I definitely didn't have to wonder if it was it; it was bleeping obvious. Not to scare you though; it was all very cool, and very powerful. It's the first indication that You Are Not in Charge Anymore. It was as new for me as it will be for you, but quite nice in many ways.

Holding my thumbs for you, Lena D!

Roller Coaster said...

Thanks my sweet friend down under! Not so hot today thank the flying spagetti monster... so all a lot easier again...


Anonymous said...

Has the car got aircon? Yes, go sit in it. No, get a bucket of water and put your feet in it.

You now have the luxury of a few weeks off, make sure you go to every film you want to see, read every book you want to read and sleep, if you can of course. Be lazy and indulge yourself.

Don't listen to any old wives tales about how to bring on labour, it will happen when it is ready and if it isn't then a friendly midwive can help. Don't ruin yourself with silly ideas about eating chilli's (Colin made me eat a fork full) hot curry (I had several in the overdue days) drinking Castor Oil (my cousin had nearly a bottle)

This time last year I was in labour, you defo know about it when it arrives, I look back on it as probably the most exciting time of my life and I am sure you will too.

Good luck, I am thinking of you both.


Anonymous said...


great word for this I feel.

come over to the Hill and have some fab Italian white with me and let's see if we can get some action in the labour area.

queen of prawns/Doula is ready.
