Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Prada vs Haglof

Baby E and I are enjoying all sorts of coffee/lunch/playdates with other new babies and their mums locally. Lots of different groups. Yesterday I made an observation regarding the style of mums from different countries, in this case Italian vs Swedish. Met with a bunch of Italian mothers and babies in the morning. I immediately felt totally underdressed and "like the poor cousin from the country" in my jeans and red feeding top and windjacket. They were all "prada" with high heels, jewellery, designer bags etc and talked about their tummy corsets and maternity nurses. However later in the day I felt right at home meeting up with a group of Swedish mums. I hadn't met them before but needed no introduction as saw a group of very practially dressed healthy -(and good-) looking women. It was Prada vs Haglof if you know what I mean :-).

Equally nice ladies though - just lightyears apart in style....

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