Wednesday, March 18, 2009


If i have to sing "the wheels of the bus go round and round" or any similarly silly song with lots of mumsy women with silly highpitched voices ever again, I WILL SCREAM

I also cannot surive another lunch/pic nic/coffee etc ONLY talking about what our babies are and are not doing.


PS: Yep, the breastfeeding hormones are definately on their way out.....

Dummies. Not that dumb really.

I dropped E's dummy into the bag of one of the other mum's yesterday at baby swimming, and checked with the mum in question that it wasn't hers before retrieving it. She smirked (yes, REALLY) and said "no, no, my Ben doesn't have a dummy" with the emphasis on "dum". I am not kidding. The ugly, boring, repulsive woman who was desperately trying to calm her squirming, messy, screaming little boy SMIRKED.

I don't know about you, but i wouldn't call a device that gives babies comfort and fulfills their sucking needs something to smirk about... in Sweden it is called a Napp, which has no connotations to stupidness and there seems to be a much broader acceptance of using a Napp than here in the UK. Maybe if it was called something else people wouldn't have such stupid reactions to it?

Desperate Housewife

Best to never let mums and dads on maternity/paternity leave out of the house... We have had two holidays the last month, one diving, one skiing (I know, luxury and totally against the sign of the times :-) and it has been GREAT. I got a taste of my old life pre baby back as we had the in laws with us for the diving, and then took turns to babysit for the skiing trip. This was fabulous, but also dangerous as I am now climbing the walls.... Also think my hormones are leaving my body at the same rate as we are cutting back on the breastfeeding meaning I am getting back to normal. Meaning I am sooooooooooooo bored in our (lovely) house and need to get out to not become totally apathetic and just watch crap TV (such as desperate housewifes...)

Still loving to be with baby E - just going crazy in the house so need to get out a lot. Luckily it is spring in London and we have been picnicing for four hours today :-)

I think I must be the worst housewife material in the entire world... I can't even be asked to empty the dishwasher.... hope that mormor (Swedish grandmother) stays healthy and energetic for many more years, otherwise little E will not know what homemade food is....