Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Milk Monster!

Third week with our wonderful baby E now and I am constantly exhausted, dazed, drained and very very happy. Seems like I could attach her to me like a little monkey baby though, as she would prefer to be feeding ALL the time...

How can something so small, eat so much I wonder???

Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome to the Animal Farm!

It feels like we have created our own little farm.

I am the cow... muuuu. Feels like I do nothing else but breast feed...

Baby E, is a super cute little piglet (she makes cute piglet snuffly noises)

Mike is the proud peacock or rooster, parading around showing off his offspring to anyone who is remotely interested. We have had neighbours come in to see baby E, people we normally don't really talk with, and when I was resting with baby E on the sofa one day the postman comes in to say hello to her.... no joke! He is just the proudest father ever!